Dog Camping Top Ten Tips


Millions of families take a dog camping every year, yet few take even the most basic preparations for their dog’s safety and enjoyment. Learn the top ten tips to follow when camping or RVing with your dog.

In the U.S. alone, more than 30 million people each year take their pets with them while camping. When we first started RVing with our dogs, we were unable to find much written on the subject. Sure, there were the occasional articles in magazines that reminded us to use pet ID tags, bring plenty of water, and take their favorite toy. In terms of providing genuine support or bottom– line information, there was nothing out there. Since it was something that we felt was badly needed, we decided to write this article.
While there are numerous issues to consider while camping with dogs, these are some of the most important. dog-man-tent-supplies

Top Ten Tips


1. Make Sure that Your Dog Can’t Get Lost
It’s one thing if your dog gets free in your neighborhood. It’s another when you’re at a rest stop, nine hundred miles from home. Either train your dog to come when called or make absolutely sure that they’re on a leash at all times.
There are several Bluetooth and GPS Tile tags that you can clip on your dog’s collar. You can then track your dog with an APP on your phone.

2. Get All of their Vaccinations Up to Date
When you visit the Vet for the shots make sure to get copies of your pets records to carry with you. If your dog gets into an altercation with another animal (or a person), the central issue will become their rabies shots. If you stay at a campground that has a demanding pet policy, you’ll need to verify your dog’s vaccination records. If you cross into Canada, you’ll have to confirm that your dogs have had their shots. You get the idea.

3. Take Your Dog Camping But Make Them Easy to Identify
If your dog does get lost (unfortunately, it happens all the time), the ability to easily identify them will become critical. For permanent identification purposes, consider tattoos or microchips. At a minimum, make sure they wear tags that show their name, your current phone number, and the date of their last rabies vaccination.
When traveling putting hi-visibility collars, harnesses or other items on your dog will make them easier to locate.

4. Clean Up After Your Dog
The biggest complaint about dogs has nothing to do with their bark, their bite, or their behavior. If you pick up after your dog, you’ll be helping dog owners everywhere. There is a large variety of poop bags and carriers to choose from for any trip.

5. Learn How to Provide First Aid to Your Dog
If a medical crisis occurs while at home, you drive to your local veterinarian. But if you’re heading down a dark highway in a strange town, it will seem like a bad dream. Although there are ways to get help while on the road, it always takes more time. In the meantime, your ability to provide competent first aid could save your dog’s life.

dog in rv window6. Involve Your Dog in Everything You Do
If you really want your dogs to have a good time, include them in your activities. Take them with you on long walks. Buy a cheap plastic wading pool and let them play in the water. Throw a ball. Cook them up a hamburger. If you do stuff like that, they’ll do cartwheels the next time you decide to take them camping.

7. Call the Campgrounds Before You Go
Even if a park claims they’re pet–friendly, always call ahead to confirm their policy regarding your dogs. We’ve arrived at parks (with our two Bullmastiff dogs) after a long day on the road only to discover that “pet–friendly” meant dogs weighing under 20 pounds.

8. Plan Ahead for the Unexpected
Have a plan (for your dogs) in the case of a flat tire, a serious accident, or a fire in your RV. Start with a few extra leashes, a pet carrier, and an extra fire extinguisher. Then have a fire drill to identify potential problems.
Always have plenty of water for your dog in case of long unexpected stops, a bottle for yourself won’t hurt either.

9. Learn About Your Camping Environment
The U.S. is a huge country with a vast assortment of dangerous wildlife, treacherous plants, unpredictable weather conditions, and demanding environmental challenges. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you might inadvertently be putting yourself and your dog in danger.
Today there is information available about anywhere you wish to go and in multiple formats. Magazines, books, eBooks, and the internet can provide enough info and pictures for you to have a safe and fun trip.

dog-in-outdoor-recliner10. Recognize and Respect the Views of Others
While some of us can’t imagine traveling without dogs, others can’t image traveling with them. If you keep your dog under control and clean up after them, you won’t give others much to grumble about.
When you meet a non-dog person don’t push your dog on them. Do allow them to see how well behaved and under control your dog is. They may not agree with your traveling companion but seeing a well-mannered dog may keep them from bothering you about it.